Saturday, February 18, 2012

Humane Killing of Food Insects?

Who decides what is the socially acceptable "best" method for killing of bugs we intend to eat?  That answer to me is simple...YOU! 

I'm pretty sure not everyone will agree with this philosophy and that is probably depending on where one lives, how they were raised, so on and so forth.  I'm from the South, probably a Redneck by some accounts and have never worried over the social cares such as this.  To me a bug is a bug and I really don't care if people freeze them or plop them squirming right into a pot of boiling water or a frying pan or crunch them raw.  Whatever makes one feel better about themselves and how they go about it, to me, is up to them.

At this point in time in the US, I really am not sure of any set standard or mandatory regulation concerning this for insects meant for human consumption as there are for animal livestock in those industries like cattle and chickens.  Until I see something saying I have to do something a certain way, I'm just not really concerned over how insects are killed to eat them.  I don't sympathize with any person or organization and have no problem sticking a worm, larvae, live cricket or grasshopper on a hook and drowning it in a pond or lake as fishbait.

If I were to select a method based on morals, my personal choice would be the fastest, most efficient way that would quickly end the suffering of whatever creature one is killing but I really don't believe insects have the capacity to suffer and it is only in our minds and we are the ones suffering over the killing of them.  In my mind, if I consider it, freezing is worse of a death than instantly dying in boiling water.  The only thing I have to relate that to is myself and the times I have spent out at all hours working in freezing weather.  Cold freaking hurts!  Stepping into an overheated hot tub doesn't feel too great either so, and thus there will probably be never-ending debates concerning insect death as Entomophagy grows in the US.

A bug is a bug.  Kill it and eat it however you think best which bothers you the least.  I really don't care! :)

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